ACEC/MA is part of a coalition that is supporting these bills:
Update as of 12/4/2023"
Last week, the Healey-Driscoll Administration announced that its new ResilientCoasts Initiative will include a statewide study of how to create a voluntary property buyout program in Massachusetts. The study will be conducted by a consultant and overseen by MEMA. Other agencies will be consulted including DCR, CZM, EEA, DER as well as state and local floodplain managers and communities.
ACEC/MA has been part of a coalition lead by Linda Orel at the Trustees of Reservation for over three years to get attention to the importance of developing a statewide pre-disaster property buyout program and I’m confident that our collective advocacy and legislative leadership influenced the administration’s decision to move forward with a study and recommendations.
The study was originally called for in the state’s updated ResilientMass report. Below please find the language. Also see page 302 in the ResilientMass report..
MEMA will hire a vendor to study other successful state buyout programs such as NJ, OH and districts in NC as well as Florida's Wind Mitigation Program to understand best practices, gaps and opportunities of improvement. The study will result in a set of recommendations that best suits Massachusetts government structure to help us identify properties and create a program that best supports coastal and riverine cities and towns making it easier for them to obtain funding. Acquisition/Buyout programs are one method of property acquisitions in which private lands are purchased, existing structures demolished, and the land maintained in an undeveloped state for public use in perpetuity. Acquisition of a property in a floodway is intended to reduce the risk of future flooding for the property and/or those adjacent. A voluntary property acquisition/buyout program can enable homeowners to leave high-risk areas. This can be an especially important option for EJ and other priority populations who may not have the financial means to move or to repair/rebuild after floods.
The coalition will be seeking meetings with key agency officials to let them know that we want to ensure the study is comprehensive and reflects the purposes outlined in H.557/H.876. More updates soon.
Stay tuned to ACEC/MA's Government Affairs Committee for updates.
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