FY2024 ACEC/MA President Colleen Moore, City Point Partners

ACEC/MA President (FY23) Cynthia Joudrey, PE (HDR) receives the ACEC/MA Presidential Plaque from ACEC/MA President (FY24) Colleen Moore (City Point Partners)
On June 21, 2023, ACEC/MA held its Annual Meeting and Board, Committee/Forum Leaders Orientation Session, followed by a reception with MassDOT Undersecretary Monica Tibbits-Nutt. During the program, ACEC/MA announced the 2023-2024 ACEC/MA Board of Directors and recognized other leaders, including ACEC National Vice Chair and Treasurer Dan Larson.
President: Colleen P. Moore, City Point Partners
President-Elect: Dawn M. Connelly, Green International Affiliates, Inc.
Senior Vice President: George (Gerry) G. Preble, PE, Beals and Thomas, Inc.
Vice President: Rebecca Williamson, PE, Jacobs
Treasurer: Robert S. Belitz, Tighe & Bond, Inc.
Secretary: Dori Ross, PE, Sanborn Head
Past-President: Cynthia L. Joudrey, PE, HDR
Board Directors:
Edward T. Baumann, PE, Alfred Benesch
John T. Doherty, PE, CDM Smith
Nick Ferzacca, PE, LEED, IMEG, formerly Architectural Engineers
Abdelmadjid (Madjid) M. Lahlaf, Ph.D., PE, Lahlaf Geotechnical Consulting, Inc. (LGCI)
Hillary Lacirignola, PE, Weston & Sampson
David Langlais, PE, Hoyle Tanner
Filomena Maybury, PE, WSP
Christine Mizioch, AI Engineers, Inc.
Kristine Wickham-Zimmerman, PE, VHB
National Director: Lisa A. Brothers, PE, Nitsch Engineering
Legal Counsel: David J. Hatem, PC, Donovan Hatem LLP
Executive Director: Abbie Goodman
2023-2024 ACEC/MA Representatives on the Board of The Engineering Center Education Trust
David Bohn, PE, (retired VHB)
William E. Hadge, PE, (retired GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.)
Ko Ishikura, PE, Green International Affiliates
Michael J. Scipione, PE, Weston & Sampson
Special Thanks to the 2022-2023 ACEC/MA Board of Directors:
President: Cynthia L. Joudrey, PE, HDR
President-Elect: Colleen P. Moore, City Point Partners
Senior Vice President: Dawn M. Connelly, Green International Affiliates, Inc.
Vice President: George (Gerry) G. Preble, PE, Beals and Thomas, Inc.
Treasurer: Robert S. Belitz, Tighe & Bond, Inc.
Secretary: Christine Mizioch, Vice President, AI Engineers, Inc.
Past-President: Scott A. Miller, PE, Haley Ward
Board Directors:
Edward T. Baumann, PE, Alfred Benesch
John T. Doherty, PE, CDM Smith
Nick Ferzacca, PE, LEED IMEG, formerly Architectural Engineers
Abdelmadjid (Madjid) M. Lahlaf, Ph.D., PE, Lahlaf Geotechnical Consulting, Inc. (LGCI)
Hillary Lacirignola, PE, Weston & Sampson
David Langlais, PE, Hoyle Tanner
Filomena Maybury, PE, WSP
Kristine Wickham-Zimmerman, PE, VHB
Rebecca Williamson, PE, Jacobs
National Director: Lisa A. Brothers, PE, Nitsch Engineering
Legal Counsel: David J. Hatem, PC, Donovan Hatem LLP
Executive Director: Abbie Goodman
Special Thanks to the 2022-2023 ACEC/MA Representatives on the Board of The Engineering Center Education Trust
David Bohn, PE, (ret. VHB)
William E. Hadge, PE, (ret. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.)
Ko Ishikura, PE, Green International Affiliates
Michael J. Scipione, PE, Weston & Sampson
Thank you to our ACEC/MA 2022-2023 Committee/Forum Chairs and Task Force Leaders:
Erik C. Atkins, PE, McFarland Johnson
Edward T. Baumann, PE, Alfred Benesch & Company
Alex Bonfiglio, Weston & Sampson
Gregory M. Bosworth, PE, VHB
Lisa A. Brothers, PE, LEED AP BD+C, ENVSP, Nitsch Engineering, Inc.
Mick A. Brown, Weston & Sampson, Inc.
Kathy Campbell, PE, LSP, LEED AP, ENV SP, CDW Consultants, Inc.
Maureen Chlebek, PE, PTOE, McMahon, a Bowman Company
Antonio J. Da Cruz, PE, Tighe & Bond, Inc.
Deborah M. Danik, PE, LEED AP BD+C, Nitsch Engineering, Inc.
Carol J. Dennison, WSP
Nick Ferzacca, PE, LEED IMEG | formerly Architectural Engineers
Johanna Hall, Weston & Sampson
Mary B. Hall, PE, GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.
Heather H. Ivester, PE, HDR
Jonathan Kunay, PE, PMP, LEED AP, CDM Smith
Anne L. Leifer, PG, LSP, GEI Consultants, Inc.
Timothy Letton, PE, GPI
Joanne G. Linowes, Linowes Executive Development Institute, LLC
David L. Loring, PE, LEED AP ENVSP, Pare Corporation
Michael T. McDonough, VHB
Besmira Miti, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc.
Colleen P. Moore, City Point Partners
Kathleen Murphy, GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.
Bethany J. Ordung, PE, Haley Ward, Inc.
Douglas Peterson, PE, Michael Baker International, Inc.
George G. Preble, PE, LSP, Beals and Thomas, Inc.
Andres Repetto, Nitsch Engineering, Inc.
Dori A. Ross, PE, Sanborn, Head & Associates, Inc.
Scott Smith, CSP, LpD, Tighe & Bond, Inc.
Nick Tamvaklis, DGC, a division of PKF O’Connor Davies
Samuel Taugher Tighe & Bond, Inc.
Daniel G. Tenney, III Weston & Sampson
Lindsey J. Vazquez, HNTB Corporation
Kevin M. Walsh, Stantec
Jacqueline M. Weir, CPA BDO USA, LLP
Wing C. Wong, PE, PTOE, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
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